Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
??? Pony
Artwork General
Regional Ponydex: #309
Evolves From: None
Evolves Into: None
First Appeared: Flutteryay Alpha 0.3
Pronunciation: /ˈbrābərn/
Sprite(s): 126 Braeburn
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: 100 Species: ??? Pony
Attack: 100 Type(s): Honesty/Loyalty
Defense: 80 Height: ???
Special Atk: 40 Weight: ???
Special Def: 70 Abilities: ???
Speed: 80 Ponydex Color: Yellow
Stat Total: 470 Gender: 100% ♂
    Cry: [[File:{{{cry}}}]]

Ponydex Entry[]

This is a Pony.


There are no evolutions for this ponymon.


Coming Soon.

Catch Area[]

Coming soon.


Braeburn is APPLEJACK's cousin from Appleloosa. he is brave, enthusiastic and stubborn, but willing to compromise.