Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
Artwork General
Regional Ponydex: #143
Evolves From: PrncBlubld
Evolves Into: None
First Appeared: ???
Pronunciation: ???
Sprite(s): 144 144PrinceBlueblood1F
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: 70 Species: ???
Attack: 60 Type(s): Laughter/Magic
Defense: 125 Height: ???
Special Atk: 115 Weight: ???
Special Def: 70 Abilities: ???
Speed: 55 Ponydex Color: White
Stat Total: 495 Gender: 100% ♂
    Cry: [[File:]]

Ponydex Entry[]

New: PRINCE BLUEBLOOD appears to be the most eligible unicorn bachelor, but turns out to be just a royal pain.


0.4: Evolves from F BLOOD - lvl ??

New: Evolves from Y PrncBbld - lvl 25


Coming soon.

Catch Area[]

Coming soon.


  • Prince Blueblood is a distant Nephew to Celestia and Luna, and cousin to Princess Cadence (See HERE).
  • Also known as Vladímir. Vladimir comes from vladeti meaning "rule" and meru meaning "great and/or famous" [1]