Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
??? Pony
Artwork General
Regional Ponydex: #14
Evolves From: multiple
Evolves Into: multiple
First Appeared: Flutteryay Alpha 0.3
Sprite(s): 014 014HarmonyFluttershy1F
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: ??? Species: ??? Pony
Attack: ??? Type(s): Kindness/Harmony
Defense: ??? Height: ???
Special Atk: ??? Weight: ???
Special Def: ??? Abilities: ???
Speed: ??? Ponydex Color: Yellow
Stat Total: ??? Gender: 100% ♀
    Cry: [[File:{{{cry}}}]]

Ponydex Entry[]

New: HARMONY FLUTTERSHY has kindness to spare. You can track her by following the trail of kindness left behind.



Evolves from Fluttershy - lvl 32 - Fluttershy

Evolves from GFluttrshy - Sun Stone - Gala Fluttershy

Evolves from NFluttrshy - Sun Stone - Nightmare Night costume Fluttershy

Evolves from DFluttrshy - Sun Stone - Discorded Fluttershy

Evolves from PrivtPansy - Sun Stone - Hearth's Warming Eve costume Fluttershy

Evolves to GFluttrshy - (Water stone) - Gala Fluttershy

Evolves to NFluttrshy - Moon Stone - Nightmare Night costume Fluttershy

Evolves to DFluttrshy - Thunder Stone - Discorded Fluttershy

Evolves to PrivtPansy - (Fire Stone) - Hearth's Warming Eve costume Fluttershy


Coming Soon.

Catch Area[]

Coming soon.


  • "The Stare" came from something the writers mother used to do. [1]


It has been revealed that this will be a Harmony Bearing Fluttershy.