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001. Apple Jack Filly - Almost finished (Moveset) 002. Apple Jack Normal 003. Apple Jack Gala 004. Apple Jack Nightmare Night 005. Apple Jack Discorded 006. --- Apple Jack --- 007. --- Apple Jack --- 008. Fluttershy Filly 009. Fluttershy Normal 010. Fluttershy Gala 011. Fluttershy Nightmare Night 012. Fluttershy Discorded 013. --- Fluttershy --- 014. --- Fluttershy --- 015. Pinkie Pie Filly 016. Pinkie Pie Normal 017. Pinkie Pie Gala 018. Pinkie Pie Nightmare Night 019. Pinkie Pie Discorded 020. --- Pinkie Pie --- 021. --- Pinkie Pie --- 022. Rainbow Dash Filly 023. Rainbow Dash Normal 024. Rainbow Dash Gala 025. Rainbow Dash Nightmare Night 026. Rainbow Dash Discorded 027. --- Rainbow Dash --- 028. --- Rainbow Dash --- 029. Rarity Filly 030. Rarity Normal 031. Rarity Gala 032. Rarity Nightmare Night 033. Rarity Discorded 034. --- Rarity --- 035. --- Rarity --- 036. Twilight Sparkle Filly 037. Twilight Sparkle Normal 038. Twilight Sparkle Gala 039. Twilight Sparkle Nightmare Night 040. Twilight Sparkle Discorded 041. --- Twilight Sparkle --- 042. --- Twilight Sparkle --- 043. Spike Normal 044. Spike Nightmare Night 045. Apple Bloom Filly 046. Apple Bloom Costume 047. Apple Bloom Nightmare Night 048. --- Apple Bloom --- 049. Scootaloo Filly 050. Scootaloo Costume 051. Scootaloo Nightmare Night 052. --- Scootaloo --- 053. Sweetie Belle Filly 054. Sweetie Belle Costume 055. Sweetie Belle Nightmare Night 056. --- Sweetie Belle --- 057. Diamond Tiara 058. Silver Spoon 059. Twist 060. Snails 061. Snips 062. Trixie Filly 063. Trixie Normal 064. Trixie GAP 065. Cheerilee Filly 066. Cheerilee Normal 067. --- Cheerilee --- 068. Zecora Filly 069. Zecora Normal 070. Zecora Nightmare Night 071. Gilda Filly 072. Gilda Normal 073. Lyra Filly 074. Lyra Normal 075. --- Lyra --- 076. Bon Bon Filly 077. Bon Bon Normal 078. --- Bon Bon --- 079. Carrot Top Filly 080. Carrot Top Normal 081. --- Carrot Top --- 082. Berry Punch Filly 083. Berry Punch Normal 084. --- Berry Punch --- 085. Colgate Filly 086. Colgate Normal 087. Doctor Colgate 088. Twinkle Filly 089. Twinkle Normal 090. Big Mac Filly 091. Big Mac Normal 092. Big Mac Nightmare Night 093. Daisy Filly 094. Daisy Normal 095. Lily Filly 096. Lily Normal 097. Roseluck Filly 098. Roseluck Normal 099. Dinky 100. Derpy Filly 101. Derpy Normal 102. Derpy Nightmare Night 103. Doctor Whooves Filly 104. Doctor Whooves Normal 105. --- Doctor Whooves --- 106. Aloe Filly 107. Aloe Normal 108. --- Aloe --- 109. Lotus Filly 110. Lotus Normal 111. --- Lotus --- 112. Soarin' 113. Wonderbolt Soarin' 114. Spitfire 115. Wonderbolt Spitfire 116. Surprise 117. Wonderbolt Surprise 118. Shadowbolt 119. Filly Inkie 120. Inkie Pie 121. Filly Blinkie 122. Blinkie Pie 123. Filly/unarmored royal guard 124. Solar Royal Guard 125. Lunar Royal Guard 126. Braeburn 127. Boxxy Brown 128. Hoops 129. Dumb-Bell 130. Mr. Sparkle 131. Mrs. Sparkle 132. Nurse Redheart 133. Beauty Brass 134. Vinyl Scratch Filly 135. Vinyl Scratch Normal 136. Octavia Filly 137. Octavia Normal 138. Sheriff Silverstar 139. Sapphire Shores 140. Hoity Toity 141. Fleur de Lis 142. Fancy Pants 143. Prince Blueblood Filly 144. Prince Blueblood Normal 145. Celestia Filly 146. Celestia Normal 147. Luna Filly 148. Luna Normal 149. Luna Nightmare Moon 150. Discord Filly 151. Discord Normal
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