Project page started by BlackOak42
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This is a temporary page to transition to the new naming convention and finished ponydex listings. If you comment on this page, the comments will be lost if this page is removed.
Many of the Ponymon names are set, but changes to the Ponymon (Ponydex Gen1, Gen2 and Gen3) will be considered as long as updates are still being made. PLEASE leave any suggestions on the suggestions blog. Since there are only a total of 386 usable entries, there were many more names than entries. The wiki pages to find Ponymon names are listed on the suggestions blog. Remember all ages and variations count as separate Ponymon entries. Please speak up for your favorites as less popular Ponymon may be removed to make room for others.
Naming Convention[]
(Letters only; no special Chars) | |
Ponymon by Ponydex Number[]
# | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
00 | ?????????? | YApplejack | Applejack | GApplejack | NApplejack | DApplejack | SmrtCookie | HApplejack | YFluttrshy | Fluttershy |
10 | GFluttrshy | NFluttrshy | DFluttrshy | PrivtPansy | HFluttrshy | YPinkiePie | Pinkie Pie | GPinkiePie | NPinkiePie | DPinkiePie |
20 | Ch Pudding | HPinkiePie | Y RnbwDash | RainbwDash | G RnbwDash | N RnbwDash | D RnbwDash | CdrHurricn | H RnbwDash | Y Rarity |
30 | Rarity | G Rarity | N Rarity | D Rarity | PrncsPltnm | H Rarity | Y Twilight | Twilight | G Twilight | N Twilight |
40 | D Twilight | Clover | H Twilight | Spike | N Spike | AppleBloom | C AplBloom | N AplBloom | H AplBloom | Scootaloo |
50 | CScootaloo | NScootaloo | HScootaloo | SwtieBelle | C SwtBelle | N SwtBelle | H SwtBelle | Dmnd Tiara | Slvr Spoon | Ppmt Twist |
60 | Snips | Snails | Y Trixie | Trixie | GAP Trixie | YCheerilee | Cheerilee | 80s Cheer | Y Zecora | Zecora |
70 | N Zecora | Y Gilda | Gilda | Y Lyra | Lyra | N Lyra | Y Bon Bon | Bon Bon | N Bon Bon | YGldnHrvst |
80 | GoldnHrvst | NGldnHrvst | Y BryPunch | BerryPunch | N BryPunch | Y Minuette | Minuette | N Minuette | YTwnkleshn | Twinkleshn |
90 | Y Big Mac | Big Mac | N Big Mac | Y Daisy | Daisy | Y Lily | LilyValley | Y Roseluck | Roseluck | Dinky |
# | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
100 | N Dinky | Y Doctor | Dr Hooves | The Doctor | Y Derpy | Derpy | N Derpy | Y Aloe | Aloe | Y Lotus |
110 | Lotus | HndoFlanks | CkieCrmbls | RnbwBlaze | Rnbwshine | IgneusRPie | CldyQuartz | Y Maud Pie | Maud Pie | YLimstnPie |
120 | LimestnPie | YMarblePie | Marble Pie | Y SolarGrd | SolarGuard | Y LunarGrd | LunarGuard | MrShy | MrsShy | Zephyr Brz |
130 | NightLight | TwltVelvet | GrnnySmith | BeautyBrss | YVnlScrtch | VynlScrtch | Y Octavia | Octavia | Shrff Sstr | Sapphire S |
140 | HoityToity | Y PrncBbld | PrncBlubld | CrPrncBbld | Y Celestia | Celestia | PrCelestia | YPrncsLuna | Prncs Luna | Ngtm Moon |
150 | Y Discord | Discord | Y Cadence | Cadence | PrncsCdnce | YShngArmor | Shng Armor | CptShArmor | Flurry Hrt | PGTwilight |
160 | PNTwilight | PDTwilight | CloverPTwi | PHTwilight | YHrryTrttr | HarryTrttr | Shadowbolt | Soarin | W Soarin | Spitfire |
170 | W Spitfire | Surprise | W Surprise | Blaze | W Blaze | Misty Fly | W MistyFly | SilverZoom | WSlverZoom | Fleetfoot |
180 | WFleetfoot | High Winds | WHighWinds | FireStreak | W FireStrk | LghtngStrk | W LtngStrk | Sun Chaser | WSunChaser | Wave Chill |
190 | WWaveChill | Wind Waker | WWindWaker | Tight Ship | WTightShip | Fast Clip | W FastClip | Whiplash | W Whiplash | Firefly |
# | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
200 | W Firefly | Unown | AKYearling | Daring Do | M D Well E | M D Well P | M D Well U | YMayorMare | Mayor Mare | NMayorMare |
210 | RvnInkwell | N RvnInkwl | Y WhtLghng | Wht Lghtng | YLghtngDst | LghtngDust | YCldKicker | Cld Kicker | N CldKikr | YSassaflsh |
220 | Sassaflash | NSassaflsh | SunshowerR | NSunshower | StarryEyes | MdniteStrk | YStarHnter | StarHunter | CarrotCake | Cup Cake |
230 | NCrrotCake | N Cup Cake | Pound Cake | PmpkinCake | Doc Top | Mane Gdall | DctorHorse | Nrs Redhrt | NrsSnowhrt | Nrs Swthrt |
240 | NrsTndrhrt | NrsryRhyme | PhotoFnish | CPhotoFnsh | Roxie Rave | StlaLashes | Pwdr Rouge | Pretty Vsn | Sgne Folio | Mdnght Fun |
250 | RglCandent | FleurDeLis | FancyPants | Swan Song | GldenGavel | SlvrFrames | Jet Set | UpperCrust | Top Marks | PrmHemline |
260 | SuriPolomr | Tenderhoof | Coloratura | ZestyGrmnd | Toe Tapper | Torch Song | JadeSinger | Ms Hrshwny | CrftyCrate | BulkBiceps |
270 | YBlosmfrth | Blossmfrth | YCloudChsr | Cloud Chsr | Y Flitter | Flitter | YThndrlane | Thundrlane | Y Rumble | Rumble |
280 | Pipsqueak | NPipsqueak | Feathrwght | TrfflShffl | CottonCldy | Noi | N Noi | ChrryBery | NChrryBrry | FiddlyTwng |
290 | NFddlyTwng | Gldn Grape | NGldnGrape | MeadowSong | NMeadowSng | OrangeSwrl | N OrngSwrl | PinaColada | NPinaClada | PrsErroria |
# | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
300 | N Erroria | Lemon Hrts | NLemonHrts | Starburst | NStarburst | Sea Swirl | N SeaSwirl | UnclOrange | AuntOrange | Braeburn |
310 | YCrmlApple | Crml Apple | AppleBmpkn | AppleFrttr | Red Gala | RDelicious | GDelicious | AppleCider | AplMnchies | AppleCbblr |
320 | Jonagold | AplStrudel | Winona | Tiberius | Gummy | Tank | Opalescnce | Owlowiscs | Peewee | Philomena |
330 | Angel | NAngel | Ace Point | YNotewrthy | Noteworthy | Y Junebug | Junebug | YCandyMane | Candy Mane | NCandyMane |
340 | H Jellius | SpklMedley | Y Mjölna | Mjölna | Y Caramel | Caramel | Peachbottm | ChseSndwch | TrbleShoes | CrankyDdle |
350 | Matilda | LStronghrt | ChThndrhvs | Steven M | Marina | Jewel | Ursa Minor | Ursa Major | Screwball | Garble |
360 | PrncsEmber | Seabreeze | Twirly | Cloudia B | SeaBreezie | Sunset B | Sunny B | Breezette | Parasprite | Dumb-Bell |
370 | SunsetShmr | Rover | Fido | Spot | Iron Will | Flim | Flam | Timberwolf | Windigo | Ahuizotl |
380 | Changeling | Kevin | Ch Captain | Chrysalis | Q Chryslis | Thorax | Thorax Evo |