Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki

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Please Note: If you would like to discuss changes you are welcome to do so on our blog page HERE.






0 000IconComputerstickman ?????????? 000SpriteComputerstickman N/A
1 001a YApplejack 001 Honesty
2 002 Applejack 002 Honesty
3 003 GApplejack 003 HonestySpirit
4 004 NApplejack 004 HonestyDark
5 005 DApplejack 005 HonestyChaos
6 006 SmrtCookie 006 HonestyPassion
7 007 HApplejack 007 HonestyHarmony
8 008 YFluttrshy Filly Flutter Kindness
9 009 Fluttershy 009 Kindness
10 010 GFluttrshy 010 KindnessSpirit
11 011 NFluttrshy 011 KindnessDark
12 012 DFluttrshy 012DFLTRSY1F KindnessChaos
13 013 PrivtPansy Private Pansy KindnessPassion
14 014 HFluttrshy 014HarmonyFluttershy1F KindnessHarmony
15 015 YPinkiePie 015 Laughter
16 016 Pinkie Pie Pinkie Laughter
17 017 GPinkiePie 017 LaughterSpirit
18 018 NPinkiePie 018 LaughterDark
19 019 DPinkiePie TBA LaughterChaos
20 020 Ch Pudding TBA LaughterPassion
21 021 HPinkiePie 021HFSHY1F LaughterHarmony
22 022 Y RnbwDash Filly Dash Loyalty
23 023 RainbwDash 023 Loyalty
24 024 G RnbwDash Gala Dash LoyaltySpirit
25 025 N RnbwDash 025NRainbowDash1F LoyaltyDark
26 026 D RnbwDash TBA LoyaltyChaos
27 027 CdrHurricn 027CMDRHurricane1F LoyaltyPassion
28 028IconBlackOak42 H RnbwDash 028YDASH1F LoyaltyHarmony
29 029 Y Rarity 029 Generosity
30 030 Rarity Raritybattle Generosity
31 031 G Rarity 031 GenerositySpirit
32 032 N Rarity N rarity GenerosityDark
33 033 D Rarity TBA GenerosityChaos
34 034 PrncsPltnm 034PrncsPltnm1B GenerosityPassion
35 035 H Rarity 035YRarity1F GenerosityHarmony
36 036 Y Twilight 036 Magic
37 037 Twilight 037 Magic
38 038 G Twilight 038 MagicSpirit
39 039 N Twilight TBA MagicDark
40 040 D Twilight Discord Twilight MagicChaos
41 041 Clover Twilight HWE MagicPassion
42 042 H Twilight 042YTwilight1F MagicHarmony
43 043 Spike 043 DragonLoyalty
44 044a N Spike N Spike DragonDark
45 045 AppleBloom 045 Courage
46 046 C AplBloom 046 CourageChaos
47 047 N AplBloom NmN Apple Bloom CourageDark
48 048 H AplBloom C Applebloom CourageLight
49 049 Scootaloo 049 Passion
50 050 CScootaloo 050 PassionChaos
51 051 NScootaloo 051 PassionDark
52 052 HScootaloo X Scoot PassionLight
53 053 SwtieBelle 053 Spirit
54 054 C SwtBelle 054 SpiritChaos
55 055 N SwtBelle NmN Sweetie Belle SpiritDark
56 056 H SwtBelle 056CMCSwtBell1F SpiritLight
57 057 Dmnd Tiara 057 Dark
58 058 Slvr Spoon 058 Dark
59 059 Ppmt Twist 059 KindnessLight
60 060a Snips 060 Dark
61 061a Snails 061 Dark
62 062 Y Trixie 062 Dark
63 063 Trixie 063 Dark
64 064 GAP Trixie 064 DarkSpirit
65 065a YCheerilee 065 Kindness
66 066a Cheerilee 066 KindnessGenerosity
67 067 80s Cheer 067 KindnessGenerosity
68 068 Y Zecora 068 Light
69 069 Zecora 069 LightDark
70 070 N Zecora N zecora-0 MagicDark
71 071 Y Gilda 071 Dark
72 072 Gilda 072 DarkSpirit
73 073 Y Lyra 073 Light
74 074 Lyra Lyrabattle MagicLight
75 075 N Lyra NmN Lyra MagicDark
76 076 Y Bon Bon 076 Light
77 077 Bon Bon 077 HonestyLight
78 078 N Bon Bon N bon bon HonestyDark
79 079 YGldnHrvst 079 Generosity
80 080 GoldnHrvst Carrot Top battle GenerosityHonesty
81 081 NGldnHrvst NmN Carrot Top GenerosityDark
82 082 Y BryPunch 082 Laughter
83 083 BerryPunch 083 LaughterCourage
84 084 N BryPunch N Berry LaughterDark
85 085 Y Minuette 085 Spirit
86 086 Minuette Colgate battle Spirit
87 087 N Minuette N Colgate SpiritDark
88 088 YTwnkleshn Filly Twinkle Spirit
89 089 Twinkleshn Twinkle Shine LoyaltySpirit
90 090 Y Big Mac WVEQ6 Honesty
91 091 Big Mac 091 HonestyPassion
92 092 N Big Mac N big mac-0 HonestyDark
93 093 Y Daisy Filly Daisy Loyalty
94 094 Daisy PA5qV LoyaltyCourage
95 095 Y Lily Filly Lily Kindness
96 096 LilyValley 096 KindnessCourage
97 097 Y Roseluck 097 Generosity
98 098 Roseluck 098 GenerosityCourage
99 099 Dinky 099 PassionLight
100 TBA N Dinky 100NDinky PassionDark
101 103 Y Doctor 103 Magic
102 104 Dr Hooves DoctorCanon MagicLoyalty
103 105 The Doctor Doctor MagicLoyalty
104 100 Y Derpy 100 KindnessLoyalty
105 101 Derpy 101 KindnessLoyalty
106 102 N Derpy NmN Derpy KindnessDark
107 106 Y Aloe 106Aloe1F Kindness
108 107 Aloe Aloe battle KindnessWater
109 109 Y Lotus 108Lotus1F Kindness
110 110 Lotus Lotus battle KindnessWater
111 TBA HndoFlanks TBA GenerosityMagic
112 TBA CkieCrmbls TBA GenerosityMagic
113 TBA RnbwBlaze TBA FlyingWater
114 TBA Rnbwshine TBA FlyingElectric
115 TBA IgneusRPie TBA RockGround
116 TBA CldyQuartz TBA RockGround
117 TBA Y Maud Pie TBA RockGround
118 TBA Maud Pie TBA RockGround
119 121 YLimstnPie Filly Blinkie RockFight
120 122 LimestnPie TBA RockFight


119 YMarblePie Filly Inkie RockKindness
122 120 Marble Pie Inkie Pie RockKindness
123 123 Y SolarGrd 123 LightPassion
124 124 SolarGuard Solar Guard LightPassion
125 TBA Y LunarGrd TBA DarkPassion
126 125 LunarGuard Lunar Guard DarkPassion
127 TBA MrShy TBA Kindness
128 TBA MrsShy TBA Kindness
129 TBA Zephyr Brz TBA Kindness
130 130 NightLight 130MrSparkle1F GenerosityMagic
131 131a TwltVelvet Mrs. Sparkle KindnessMagic
132 TBA GrnnySmith TBA HonestyLoyalty
133 133 BeautyBrss 133BeautyBrass1F KindnessLight
134 134 YVnlScrtch 134 Light
135 135 VynlScrtch DJ PON-3 LightSpirit
136 136 Y Octavia 136 Kindness
137 137 Octavia Octavia KindnessPassion
138 138 Shrff Sstr Silverstar LoyaltyLight
139 139 Sapphire S Sapphire Shores Loyalty
140 140 HoityToity 140HoityToity1F Honesty
141 TBA Y PrncBbld TBA Laughter
142 143 PrncBlubld Filly Blueblood Laughter
143 144 CrPrncBbld 144PrinceBlueblood1F LaughterMagic
144 145 Y Celestia Filly Celestia Light
145 TBA Celestia TBA LightMagic
146 146 PrCelestia 146 LightMagic
147 147a YPrncsLuna Woona Dark
148 148 Prncs Luna 149 DarkMagic
149 149 Ngtm Moon Nightmare Moon(Alt) DarkChaos
150 150 Y Discord Young DIscord battle Chaos
151 151 Discord Discord battle Chaos

Please Note: If you would like to discuss changes you are welcome to do so on our blog page HERE.