Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
The Doctor
Artwork General
Doctor whooves
Regional Ponydex: #103
Evolves From: Dr Hooves
Evolves Into: None
First Appeared: Flutteryay Alpha 0.3
Pronunciation: ???
Sprite(s): 105 Doctor
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: ?? Species: ???
Attack: ?? Type(s): ???
Defense: ?? Height: ???
Special Atk: ?? Weight: ???
Special Def: ?? Abilities: ???
Speed: ?? Ponydex Color: Brown
Stat Total: ??? Gender: 100% ♂
    Cry: [[File:]]

Ponydex Entry[]

New: Even the trainers WHO have met DR. HOOVES knows very little about him. This might be a pony.



Evolves from Dr Hooves - Lvl 32 - Dr Hooves


Coming Soon.

Catch Area[]

Coming soon.


  • Coming Soon.


It has been shown that X Doctor Whooves will have a different manestyle and a bright red bow tie. Why? Because bow ties are cool!