Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
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Type Chart

A type is a property for Ponymon and their moves. Type interactions have a major influence on how effective a move is against a particular Ponymon. Effectiveness may also be increased depending on the Ponymon using the move.


Type interaction has four basic levels. There are types of Ponymon that each move type is super effective against, neutrally effective against, not very effective against, and completely ineffective against.

If the type of a move used by a Ponymon is strong against the opponent's type, then the damage done is twice the normal amount; if a move's type is weak against a specific type, then the damage done is half the normal damage done. Note that this effect is multiplied; e.g. if a move's type is strong against both of the opponent's types, then the move does 4 times the damage, and if a move's type is not very effective against both of the opponent's types, then the move does ¼ of the damage.

If a move's type is completely ineffective due the opposing Ponymon's type (Chaos versus Chaos, for example), then the damage done by the move is zero. Otherwise, the damage dealt will always be at least 1HP.


When a move type matches the user type the effectiveness increases. This increase is called Same Type Attack Bonus or STAB

List of types[]

List Of Types By Groups
Elements of Harmony(The Mane Six) Nature
Icon Type Name Archetype Icon Type Name Archetype
Honesty Icon
Honesty Applejack
Normal Icon
Normal Mayor Mare
Kindness Icon
Kindness Fluttershy
Bug Icon
Bug Seabreeze
Laughter Icon
Laughter Pinkie Pie
Ghost Icon
Ghost N Lyra
Loyalty Icon
Loyalty Rainbow Dash
Unknown Icon
Unknown Q Chryslis
Generosity Icon
Generosity Rarity
Dragon Icon
Dragon Spike
Magic Icon
Magic Twilight Sparkle
Beast Icon
Beast Ursa Major
Ancient Cutie Mark Crusaders
Icon Type Name Archetype Icon Type Name Archetype
Light Type
Light Princess Celestia
Courage Icon
Courage Apple Bloom
Dark Icon
Dark Princess Luna
Passion Icon
Passion Scootaloo
Chaos Icon
Chaos Discord
Spirit Icon
Spirit Sweetie Belle
Harmony Twilight Sparkle
Elemental Action
Icon Type Name Archetype Icon Type Name Archetype
Poison Type
Poison N/A
Fight Icon
Fight LimestnPie
Ground Icon
Ground Rover
Flying Icon
Flying Soarin
Rock Icon
Rock Maud Pie
Psychic Icon
Psychic N/A
Steel Icon
Steel N/A
Trickster Icon
Trickster Trixie
Fire Icon
Fire Spike
Music Icon
Music Vinyl Scratch
Water Icon
Water Steven Magnet
Grass Icon
Grass Timberwolf
Electric Icon
Electric LghtngStrk
Ice Icon
Ice Windigo