Since Ponymon hasn't been updated for ages, I've decided to take my own copy of Ponymon and carry on making it. I've made Pokemon hacked games before, and I think I can do it. It won't become official though.
Missingno Ponybox Colour
I just don't know what colour it should be. Does anypony have a idea? I was thinking Chaos, because it is chaotic.
I think I might have messed up the MissingNo page. I added a Ponybox, and tried to edit it, buuuuut, yeah. Apparently I'm not good with Wiki code. Well, The original page was this, shown below
======MissingNo==MissingNo was found in Ponymon: Dawn 0.32, after Lavander Town. You'll meet a white colored trainer, who will challenge you. You need to use GHOST MODE to challenge this guy.
I found the article irrelevant, and I have challenged Missingno before, by going into the grass while using the Ghost Cheat without a pony on Route 1, so I added a Ponybox, can some pony help me clean it up a bit?
Ponymon Anarchy on FAQ?
Some people have come here asking about 'Ponymon Anarachy' which I heard about a while ago, I was just wondering if I should add something on the FAQ stating \
I need some help on Ponymon Anarachy but all of your information has been useless!
This is the Dawn and Dusk version of Ponymon. We are not affliciated with Anarachy version.
Why Glitchy Movesets are awesome
Glitchy movesets are common in the wonderful world of Ponymon. I used cheats to find the Johto starters, completely untouched, other than the types of movesets. As the moves have taken the slots of previous moves, the Gen II and Gen III Pokemon have movesets that haven't been edited, and therefore, know several different types of moves, eg, Grass is now Kindness, Water is now Laughter, and Fire is now Honesty. To sum this up, if you want a Ponymon that can own nearly every type, Get a Pokemon! [if you are reading this once the game is finished, ignore this post, because Pokemon no longer exist in Equestria.]
Thanks for reading my stupid post :P