Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
Ponymon Dawn/Dusk Wiki
Y Doctor
Timelord Pony
Artwork General
Foal doctor whooves
Regional Ponydex: #101
Evolves From: None
Evolves Into: Dr Hooves
First Appeared: Flutteryay Alpha 0.3
Sprite(s): 103 103
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: 25 Species: Timelord Pony
Attack: 20 Type(s): Magic
Defense: 15 Height: ???
Special Atk: 105 Weight: ???
Special Def: 55 Abilities: ???
Speed: 90 Ponydex Color: Brown
Stat Total: 310 Gender: 100% ♂
    Cry: [[File:]]

Ponydex Entry[]

0.4: F DOCTOR are strange and elusive, often running from place to place without explanation.

New: COLT TIME TURNER is strange and elusive, often running from place to place without explanation.



D WHOOVES at level 22.


Evolves to Dr Hooves - Lvl 16 - Dr Hooves



Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Start Hoof Stomp Light Attack 35 100 35
? Tail Whip Light Status N/A 100 30
10 Confusion Laughter Attack 50 100 25
12 Endure Light Status N/A N/A 10
17 Barrage Light Attack 15 85 20
20 Double Kick Light Attack 30x2 100 30
24 Shootingstar Magic Attack 60 N/A 20

Catch Area[]

0.4: Mt. Moon B1F; Mt. Moon B2F Level 9


  • Coming Soon.